Perfil e temperamento dos Maine Coons do Gatil AMICATS
Os gatos gigantes já são a primeira raça de gatos registrado nos EUA ao lado do gato persa.
Apesar de ser uma raça relativamente nova quando comparada com o persa tem se apresentado como a mais nova tendência norte americana no mercado pet.
O Maine Coon selecionado pelo Premiado Gatil Amicat´s possui linhas modernas, belas orelhas com tufos, tamanho gigante e temperameto super dócil, sendo maine coons adoráveis para lares com crianças e outros animais como por exemplo cães.
Maine Coon do Gatil Amicat's tem grande tendência para brincadeiras.
O gato gigante Amicat's é muito gentil e afável com a família e aceitando estranhos imediatamente, pedindo carinho e ronronando, o All Capone, fica rolando e mostrando a barriga em sinal de amizade, diz a criadora Lisi Amichetti de Juquitiba.
Quanto custa um filhote de gato Maine Coon?
Isso varia muito, dependendo do criador e linha de sangue com padrão moderno ou um tipo comum com pouca seletividade.
Geralmente, os filhotes são mais caros nos criadores de grandes capitais pois tem mais acesso as exposições, novas linhas de sangue e possuirem um plantel mais moderno, baseado no padrão de gatos grandes, pesados e com tipicidade aparente .
Em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Brasília e Belo Horizonte os filhotes de maine coon com qualidade de estimação (pet), castrados, variam de r$ 2500,00-5500,00.
Por favor agende sua visita em horário comercial pelos telefones:55 11 8485 4545 hc (gatos) e 55 11 9386 8744 hc (cães), Fixo: 11 4684 1047 4684 1721 hc e escolha seu filhote das raças:
American Bully Overbully, American Stafforshire Terrier, Bull Terrier, Bulldog Americano, Bulldog Campeiro, Bulldog Francês, Bulldog Inglês, Chihuahua, Pitbull Moderno, Pug, Spitz Lulu da Pomerânia, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Bengal Amicat's, Exóticos de Pêlo Curto, Maine Coon Amicat's, Ragdoll Amicat's
Canil Amichetti Bullys & Gatil AMICAT´S Bengal Maine Coon Ragdoll Exótico
Maine Coon Breeding large, healthy, well socialised
Petclube Kattery "Big Taurus House"
Petclube® Gatos-Gigantes Mainecoon,Bengal,Ragdoll,Exotic Persian & Mini Gato Toycat -(novidade)
Criação Gatos com Certificação IPC Registry
F:(11)98485-4545 whatsapp hc F(11) 96393-1128 Dr Gabriel
Contato: /
Kittens leave at 14 weeks litter trained, wormed, vaccinated, pedigree registered and de-sexed.
" To be Touched by a Maine Coon is to Feel it with Your Heart"
Registered Maine Coon Breeders
We breed for quality not quantity
Kittens sometimes available
Breeding gorgeous massive healthy cats with lots of personality
We are a small cattery and all our cats live indoors with us
Show and pet kittens often availableOne Maine Coon is Never enough!!
We learnt this very fast
Now we breed these gentle giants
so that others can receive the love they giveMaine Coons are large, lounge around, happy, gentle, very intelligent, fun loving felines.
They're often described as the "Golden Retriever" or "Gentle Giant" of the cat world.
It's also widely acknowledged that one is never enough !
We recommend that your Maine Coon be kept indoors, with access to a safe, fully enclosed safe environment.
We believe that cats are like our children and allowing them to roam unsupervised puts them at great risk from dog attacks, snake bites, car accidents and remembering also that some people are just not cat people and can be quite aggressive if they find cats on their property.
There is of course also the fact that the many cat lovers out there would see a beautiful Maine Coon on the street, and thinking they were doing the right thing, simply take it home themselves to love and adore.
All of these and more are purrfect reasons to make sure your cats are safe and sound at all times!
If you would like more information
call us on whatsapp 5511 98485 4545 Brazil hc thanks
The breeders below are all members of WFC, IPC REGISTRY & TICA's . When you visit their cattery website, look for the IPC Online Breeders logo.The breeders you find listed here are IPC Petclube members who have signed the IPC Code of Ethics. Since we are a large association we do not have the resources to visit each of the listed catteries before linking to their website. Please read our information about Adopting a Cat or Kitten before visiting a breeder.See your cattery listed here or renew your current listing! Find out how.Have you registered your cattery name? Check if it is available!IPC INternational Pet offers breeders, businesses and other advertisers the opportunity to promote their cattery, product or services.
Maine Coon Cattery with Maine Coon Kittens for Sale
Many photos of Maine Coon Cats, Kittens, and Breeding Cats Gallery
Maine Coon Health, Genetic Testing, Cattery Tour, Color and Pattern Descriptions, Kitten Rearing, CFA Cattery of Excellence, and Helpful Tips for New Maine Coon Owners.
Largest Domestic Feline!
Maine Coons are considered the largest of the domestic felines. Some neutered males can reach almost 30lbs!
Average size varies for a male from 15-24lbs, but also larger than average is often the case.
Females although smaller than the males, can often get as large ast 16-17lbs, but taking longer to reach that adult size.
The males seem to grow and quick rates and even yearlings are in the double digits, with adult size generally being reached at around 5 years old.
Considered the Gentle Giants of the cat world, Maine Coons are gentle, and doglike in nature.
They much prefer to be where the action is, and if you have small children expect your PetclubeCoon to be right in the mix!
As seen on You Tube, below is a sample of our PetclubCoon Maine Coons in video!
Where did Maine Coons come from?
Although of unknown origin, Maine Coons were found as barnyard cats in Northeast USA, hence the name Maine Coon.
The Coon part comes from the chirping sound similar to a raccoons voice, and their love of water.
Also typical of a Raccoon, although breeding between cats and raccoons is genetically impossible.
Maine Coons are impressive with those gorgeous tips on the ears, rumored to have come from crossing with the North American Lynx, resulting in Lynx Tips!
And with tufts of hair between the toes, adapting them to a climate befitting this rugged cat that can walk on snow.
At Petclubcoons we strive for that wild rugged look in our kittens and cats!
big brown tabby maine coon male stud cat
maine coon poly toed kitten showing off big feet
Maine Coon Poly Toe!
What about those toes! Where did they get all those toes?
The Poly Gene which produces the multi toed foot is in many breeds of cats including Maine Coons and non-pedigreed cats.
We here at Petclubcoons love the Poly Toes, and know many of you also love these big snow shoe feet!
They pose no health concerns, other than a claw that may need to be trimmed more often.
Maine Coon Breeding large, healthy, well socialised
Petclube Kattery "Big Taurus House"
Petclube® Gatos-Gigantes Mainecoon,Bengal,Ragdoll,Exotic Persian & Mini Gato Toycat
IPC Registry
Contact: /
Maine Coon Health在2010年12月,我们拥有了我们第一只缅因长毛蓬尾家猫。他是一只完美的棕色虎斑的猫弟弟,他的名字叫Otis.自从Otis与我们生活在一起后,我们深深爱上缅因长毛蓬尾家猫,可爱的个性,温顺的脾气与仿佛希望整天与人沟通的叫声。于是我们决定开一间小型猫舍在我们的家,专门繁殖缅因长毛蓬尾家猫这个品种,并将这个会令人着迷的品种介绍中国的朋友们。实现我们的梦想下一步就是购买了另外一只美丽红色毛色的猫妹妹,她的名字叫Cami。从我们这些初到的缅因长毛蓬尾家猫的名字,就这样组成了我们猫舍的舍命:我们开设猫舍的梦想终于实现了。更令我们倍感高兴的是是我们的孩子对猫猫们同样充满热情,他们都非常支持并帮助我们对猫猫们的日常照料。
OtiCami 猫舍和我们的猫们都在CFA注册了。所有的缅因长毛蓬尾家猫都是来自欧洲最好顶级的猫舍。我们的繁殖计划包括繁殖最顶级的欧洲血统的缅因长毛蓬尾家猫 我们对繁殖最顶级的欧洲血统的缅因长毛蓬尾家猫有详细的计划,主要着重于培养健康的身体,温顺的脾气,理想的体型,和强壮的体格。他们在家族里面拥有许多冠军的头衔,但是无论他们在比赛中获取了哪一个头衔,每一只猫在我们家里都是最特别的,最顶级的。我们的目标就是繁育出健康强壮的猫,伴随着温顺的脾气和典型的野性的外观。我们的猫咪们也是我们家庭的一份子,他们能够自由地行走到屋企的每个角落。每只猫咪会都能良好地适应新家当它满12-14周。而且猫咪均会接受全面的疫苗注射,注射记录会显示它们的健康小册子上,血统证明书,和CFA预先登记。
猫是我们的热情和我们将它们视为家庭成员。我们目睹在我们家全部的诞生,并且从第一时刻小猫就是我们的家庭和日常生活的一部分。经过几个月与小猫相处,对于我们是很难把“我们的孩子”交到别人的手中。这更是困难若他是一个完全陌生人。因此,我们要求在第一封电子邮件给我们做一个简短的自我介绍。请让我们知道你与猫经历,你与猫住的地方和你每天与猫做什么。我们会很高兴如果你还告诉我们一些关于跟你一起生活的家庭成员。有什么特别的理由让你现在决定养猫呢?你明确说明你最喜欢我们哪只猫是非常重要的。我们想知道什么样性格的猫是最适合你,猫和人一样,有时烦躁不安,有时安静。当你选择猫,别只看他的外表也要考虑他的性格和他将如何融入您的期望. 请不要担心如果你完全没有养猫经验,告诉我们,我们将用我们的经验和支持帮助您。请您理解,对于我们回复只有一句话就是问“猫多少钱“的邮件是很困难.
当你养了一直这个种猫以后,当你回家的时候就有个毛茸茸的面孔在门口等你,你将会感受到有个人在耐心等待你去搔他的肚皮,有个人温暖你的膝盖和心灵当你在安静的时候. 猫能活20年左右。这意味着,如果你得到一只小猫,那么你要照顾猫很多年。这是特别要记住的东西如果你正在考虑小猫,因为他们只是很短时间是小猫,但他们是成年猫需要照顾很多年。如果你还没有准备好那样的承诺,那么你可能要为养猫而反复思量。猫是一种生物和有自己的生活,如果你打算养小猫记住,这将需要适应你的家。首先你不得不考虑或做保护措施在所有窗户和阳台门,以避免你的猫掉落。你必须要照顾好猫在你家要感到舒适和安全。猫应该有猫树来抓和攀爬,也要有一些舒适的床来睡觉。每个猫爱玩,所以你的时间和一些玩具能需要满足这种需要。 猫可能会损坏您的屋和财产如果他们的需求得不到满足。这是拥有一只宠物在家不可分割的一部分。 你必须定期清洗猫厕所,每天准备一些食物,梳子,玩具和与你的猫玩耍。小猫- 跟人类的婴儿一样,需要花费大量的时间与他们的妈妈和兄弟姐妹来接受良好的教育和交际。这就是为什么我们不能出售年龄小于16周小猫的原因。 16周大的小猫还年轻足以与你和你的家庭建立良好关系.现在你知道如何询问我们